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Unlock Opportunities For Your Students.

CareerStarter help your students and trainees secure their first job in construction.


Give your students a launchpad to discover their passions and set them on a path to a successful career as a craft professional. With CareerStarter, you can share training opportunities to recruit new students to your CTE programs and connect current students with mentors and real-world opportunities.

Get Started


About CareerStarter

CareerStarter Demo

Get Started


Create an Account

Create an account with a username, email and password. Then, you will be prompted to create your school profile by filling out your school’s information.

Create Account


The system will automatically build your school account and link your member account as an admin. Admins can edit their school page, post training opportunities and post resources directly through the platform.


Final Steps

Now you can post your training programs and opportunities on the platform to build the next generation of craft professionals!

Mobile device showing the CareerStarter app which allows users to find careers in construction.
Download The App

Ready to get started?

Download the CareerStarter app in the app store to get started building your profile.

Need Help?

Contact Us

For training or a walkthrough of the platform, please use the link below to schedule time with Karina Kuchta, CareerStarter program manager, or feel free to reach out to her directly at